有人问成功是什么,我觉得成功就是过上自己爱过的生活,同时心灵充实。富有并快乐是成功,清贫但充实也是成功。如果财富名声带来喜悦我们就去追求,如果闭门思考带来快乐就让我们独处。成功不是在别人眼里你是一个什么样的人,而是在自己心中你是不是一个被自己承认的人。今天阳光灿烂,祝你心情愉快!    温总理说:“中小学教师非常重要,有些国家让最优秀的人教小学。要像尊重大学教授一样尊重中小学教师。要注意提高教师特别中小学教师的待遇。”过去中小学有陶行知和朱自清这样的老师,现在很少了。总理说要提高老师待遇,很好,但除了待遇,中国老师更需要提高修养、学问和人品,成为孩子的好榜样。    碰到一个学生,自认为特有才华但找了几份工作都被拒掉了,我见了后感到他身上有一种气息让人不舒服,言语尖锐不留余地,神态孤高没有耐心,能感到他有点才气,但我也不敢用这样的人,有才华不受人欢迎就会怀才不遇,有才华受人欢迎才是真正的才华。语言温和不等于没有个性,外表温和不等于没有傲骨。    有朋友问读书,个人体会,书有三种读法,第一种泛读,也就是各式书籍广泛阅读,只会其意,不求甚解;第二种精读,有些你觉得很好的书可以认真多读几遍,比如林肯读莎士比亚的作品就读了好几遍;第三种背读,对于那些经典著作,要以背诵的态度去读,边读边理解边背,比如《老子》等。可惜我自己还没有认真读书。   有个家长在我的博客留言,转给大家看看:“我的儿子6岁了。写完作业他问我,你在干什么?我说,在看怎样教育小孩子的书,你呢?他没事正在吃黄瓜,我说帮我拿一个,他拿来后,我第一次说了‘谢谢’。他‘惊恐’地看了看我。我心里暖暖的,作为父亲应该这样。”    我们处在一个价值多元化的时代,我们首先必须学会宽容,允许不同的思想和行为存在,拥有蔡元培“兼容并包”的胸怀;同时,我们还必须有自制力,因为我们思想和行为的自由是以不损害别人的自由为前提的,因此我们必须在充分尊重别人自由的前提下来思想和行动,应该是同一个世界,和平地拥有不同的梦想!    优美的结果多是在枯燥和痛苦中得来的:流利的英语,反复练习的过程十分枯燥;优美的芭蕾,演员的脚尖全部磨出血泡;迷人的体操,留在运动员身上的处处是伤;动听的旋律,当初不知拉断过多少琴弦;但是枯燥和痛苦本身并不能保证优美,最后的优美和出色是因为有坚韧的精神和一颗坚持的心。    拥有值钱的东西不如拥有值钱的才能。我有一个画家朋友,从来不存钱,需要钱时就画一幅画,画就变成了钱。他说:“人生最惬意的莫过于做着自己喜欢的事情,不为物质所累,还能用爱好换钱。”确实,你就算拥有金山也有可能丢失,但拥有才能走到哪里都能带着,别人可以偷取你的物质,但没法偷取你的才能。    郑板桥在去世前给孩子留言:“淌自己的汗,吃自己的饭,自己的事情自己干,靠天靠地靠祖宗,不算是好汉。”陶行知重复了这句话,把靠祖宗变成了靠父母。 我在《赢在中国》节目点评时曾说:“既靠天也靠地、还要靠自己。靠天靠地是利用资源,靠自己是主动奋斗,一个人能够利用资源,还能主动奋斗,离成功就不远了。” 转载:作者——新东方(俞洪敏) Was asked what success is, I think that success is to lead a life of their own loved the same time, enrich the soul. Rich and happy is successful, the poor, but also successful enrichment. If the wealth to bring the joy of us went to the pursuit of fame, if the thinking behind closed doors to bring happiness Let us alone. Success is not in the eyes of others you are a what kind of person, but in his mind you are not a victim of its own recognition of people. Today, sunny, I wish you happy! Wen said: "The primary and secondary school teachers is very important in some countries so that the best people to teach elementary school. Should be respected as we respect the same primary and secondary school teachers, university professors. To focus on improving the treatment of teachers, especially primary and secondary school teachers." Primary and secondary schools are the last line of Tao know-how and Zhu Ziqing such a teacher, and now is very small. Prime Minister said that to raise teacher treatment, very good, but apart from treatment, the Chinese teachers also need to increase self-cultivation, knowledge and integrity to become the child's good example. Encounter a student, since that special talent, but refused to find a few work out, I met him, I felt very uncomfortable there is a breath, speech sharp spare no pains, an air of aloof not have the patience, he will feel a little bit brilliance, but I dare not use such people, there are talented are not welcome and will be underappreciated, talented popular real talent. Language mild does not mean that there is no personality, appearance does not mean that there is no moderate her side. A friend asked to study, personal experience, the book has three readings, the first extensive reading, which is a broad variety of books to read, only the Italian, with superficial understanding; the second intensive reading, some of you think of a good book can be more serious read several times, such as studying the works of Shakespeare, Lincoln read it several times; the third time back, for those classics, it is necessary to recite the attitude read, understood Biandu Bian Bian back, such as "I" and so on. Unfortunately, I have not yet serious reading. A home in my blog a long message, forwarded to take a look: "My son is 6 years old. Finished the job, he asked me, are you doing? I said, looking at how the education, children's book, do you? Him Nothing is eating cucumber, I said help me get one, he was brought after the first time I said 'thank you'. he was 'terrified' looked at me. my heart warm, as a father should do. " We are in an era of pluralistic values, we must first learn to be tolerant, allowing the existence of different thoughts and actions, with Tsai Yuan-pei, "inclusive" in mind; the same time, we must also have self-control because we have freedom of thought and behavior is based on Without prejudice to the freedom of others as a prerequisite, so we have full respect for others down the premise of freedom of thought and action, should be the same world with different dreams in peace! The beautiful results that are boring and the pain come: fluent English, repeated practice of the process is very tedious; beautiful ballet actor's toes all the grind Xuepao; charming gymnastics, stay in the athletes at every turn and was injured; pleasant melody that when I do not know how many strings pulled off;, but boring and painful in itself does not guarantee that the beautiful, the last of the beautiful and brilliant because of its tenacity and adhere to a heart. Have valuable things than have a valuable talent. I have a painter friend, never save money, need money when painting a picture, painting became the money. He said: "Life's most pleasant than doing their favorite things, tired and not substance, but also with the love exchange for money." Indeed, you even have a Gold Peak may also be lost, but have to be able to take wherever others can steal your material, but they could not steal your talent. Zheng Banqiao prior to his death to the child a message: "shed their sweat and eat their meals, their own affairs and their own dried by days by relying on ancestral land, not a hero." Tao Xingzhi repeated these words to rely on their ancestral change into by their parents. I am in the "Win in China" program Comments I said: both by day but also on land, but also rely on themselves. Days by land through the use of resources, the initiative on its own is a struggle, a person can take advantage of resources, but also take the initiative to struggle, success is not far away.